About me

Hi there!

Let me introduce myself professionally. I am a Sport Psychologist who started her career in this field as a result of her love for cricket. I have done my Master’s in HR Psychology from Christ University, after which I received a PG Diploma in Sports & Exercise Psychology from ISST Pune. I am certified as a Sport Psychologist by the International Sports Professionals Association.

My approach to mental health among athletes is holistic in nature. I would like to focus on the ‘art’ part of Sport Psychology, rather than solely on the ‘science’ part. The human mind cannot be limited to measurements and gauges, and needs to be empathized with, for it to perform better.

For my clients, I use a variety of theories and inspirations from various schools of thought. Of course, the Person-Centered approach or the Rogerian approach finds its way into all my interventions since I feel that every sportsperson knows the solution to his/her problems. As support staff, we are there to simply nudge them in the right direction.

When I work with young athletes, those who are right between the club-level and the elite-level, I use plenty of psychoeducation, as drawn from the Life Development Intervention. This is because the purpose of sports is not to win, but to build character and personality. Therefore, training the client in various essential skillsets, other than merely Psychological Skills Training, becomes important for both on-field as well as off-field performance.

I am definitely a student of the mind, which gives me the need to keep learning and improving myself. At the same time, I am also aware of certain personal aspects which have propelled me to create a unique niche for myself. According to my clients, these are:

  • My love for sports. I find that clients seek me out for their mental health since I actually know several sports quite well.
  • My holistic approach. Multiple aspects affect mental performance. With this in mind, I try my best to pull in inspiration from numerous areas and theories.
  • My availability.  I mostly work remotely, with face-to-face meetings happening every now and then. This allows my clients to be in touch with me wherever their tournament takes them, knowing well that I am right there in their pockets to provide the necessary interventions.

I also conduct a number of training programs for individual athletes and teams, namely the Champion Mindset Program, the Leadership Training Program and also Communication Skills Training, and many more.

Contact me for more details. I am sure I can guide you to a better version of both the athlete, and the person inside you!

I’m Priya,

Welcome to Mind Your Wicket, where I will help you elevate your game to the next level. How can I help you achieve your goals today?

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