Personality Traits Every Cricketer Should Have

This article will be checking out several personality traits that every cricketer needs to have. These are those traits which coaches and scouts look out for in aspiring professional cricketers, and much needed if you are trying to make it in the big leagues.

Personality Traits Every Cricketer Should Have

If you are trying to find out what makes successful cricketers stand out from the others, you might be often surprised that this is nothing to do with their physique or their performance. It is all about the personality traits that they possess.

Some of the best personality traits which every cricketer should have are:

  • Self-belief
  • Ownership
  • Resilience
  • Eagerness to get better
  • Sportsmanship
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Positivity


All cricketers who have managed to create a strong name for themselves in the field have immense amounts of self-belief. Self-belief is actually not the same as self-confidence and is a lot more stable in nature.

Self-belief is basically a person’s confidence in their abilities to achieve their goals. As a cricketer, if you are confident that you can easily achieve your goals with the skillsets that you have, this means that you have plenty of self-belief.

If you feel that you lack self-belief and are eager to improve this aspect of your personality, you can try understanding yourself and your identity better. Being assertive and standing up for your rights can also help in improving your self-identity.


Another important personality trait which is very important for a cricketer is ownership. Ownership in cricket can mean being accountable for your actions on the field. This means being responsible for all your actions and your statements, even those which you say to yourself.

You can practice more ownership as a cricketer by taking up charge of your schedule, your fitness routines, your practice sessions and even your interactions with your team-mates. Having more ownership can also contribute very positively to your leadership.


Professional cricketers who have created permanent places for themselves in cricket history all have high levels of resilience. Cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar, Steve Waugh and even Matthew Hayden have all shown plenty of resilience on and off the field.

Resilience in cricket can refer to your ability to bounce back from failures and challenges at ease. In sports, failures and challenges are quite common and it is necessary to get back up when you are pushed down quite quickly.

However, resilience is often one of the rarest qualities seen in young cricketers and something that coaches often ignore in training and building up. One great way to improve your resilience levels as a cricketer is to simply take part in other activities and sports apart from cricket.

You can also use the help of your support system in the form of your family and friends to build up your resilience levels. If you are finding it hard to practice resilience on a daily basis, you can try speaking to your Sport Psychologist about different ways to do so.

Eagerness to get better

Cricket, just like every other sport, requires the person to continuously get better. This hunger to improve oneself and perform is another important personality trait which is required in professional cricketers.

If this eagerness is not present in you as a cricketer, you will probably be satisfied with your current performance and may settle in to a comfort zone. This is easily one of the biggest enemies for any sportsperson – losing this hunger to get better.

You can try building this quality by a simple goal-setting exercise. The key is to have goals on various tiers or platforms so that you are always working toward something. You can also have a variety of goal in different areas of your life and not just your sport.


Believe it or not, where your performance fails, Sportsmanship can save you. Think about your favorite cricketer. They are definitely not just your favorite for being awesome in their sport, but also because they have high levels of Sportsmanship.

Sportsmanship is definitely a quality that you need to have if you are aspiring to be a successful cricketer, since the sport is a team-game. It does not make much of a difference if you have hit a century or bowled a hat-trick and your team has lost and is disappointed.

You can practice Sportsmanship in your team by encouraging other players on the field and also by not breaking any rules. This also means respecting the opponent and maintaining decorum on the field.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence as a concept is being increasingly emphasized upon in even corporate settings today since it directly affects performance and team-work. Emotional intelligence is considered very important for sports, especially a team-sport like cricket.

Emotional intelligence does not only mean being aware of the feelings and emotions of others, but also those of yourself. When you have high levels of emotional intelligence, you will be able to understand and assimilate your feelings better, which gives you more control over them.

Just like your other personality traits and skills, emotional intelligence as a facet can also be sharpened. For instance, you can try using active listening in order to better understand the feelings of others who are talking to you.


As a cricketer, another important personality trait that is much needed if you are aiming to make it big is positivity. You need to be able to maintain a positive attitude no matter what your situation may be on the inside.

This does not mean ignoring your pain and your negative feelings. Staying positive is important especially if you are playing in a tournament or a game where your attitude is necessary to winning.

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